Monday, November 12, 2012

CNN Kid News

Post your thoughts on the currrent events for today.


  1. The Fiscal cliff is a very bad disaster facing Washington. The president set the Fiscal Cliff’s deadline last year. Time is running out to reduce the amount of taxes that we pay. I hope everyone isn’t left broke.CH

  2. The Fiscal Cliff is a disagreement on taxes. If the democrats and republicans can’t reach an agreement by January 1st, the economy will be crippled. Obama says he will raise taxes for those who make over 250k. Republican leaders don’t want to raise anyone’s taxes. There is a disagreement called the Fiscal Cliff. JS

  3. The people of America picked a leader who wants to raise taxes if you don’t have it well that’s not that good. bb

  4. I’m very happy to hear that storm Sandy’s damage showing a sign of recovering! Millions of people’s power has been restored. A few bridges and tunnels are open, also. I hope all signs of devastation disappear soon.CH

  5. So many New Yorkers are helping to pay for replacements to replace the losses of the victims of Storm Sandy. They show good character because they help out others. $270000 has been raised for the clean-up Sandy project .I know that they will succeed since they’re all working together.CH
