Sunday, November 18, 2012

Perimeter Self Portraits

On Thursday we made self portraits and found the perimeter. We had a fun time making our pictures.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cheez-it Perimeter

Today we discussed perimeter. We used cheez-its to practice finding the perimeter of shapes we made. What a tasty way to learn perimeter.

CNN Kid News

Post your thoughts on the currrent events for today.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Quantitive and Qualitative Data

Today we discussed the difference between quantitive and qualitative data. We used oreo and chocolate chip cookies to learn the difference between the two types of data. We measured our cookies using scales and measured the height and length of the cookies. . We also described the physical characteristic of our cookies. We alos had to sample our cookies to use for our data. We had a tasty lesson in science today.

Marshmallow 3 D shapes

Today we reviewed 3 D shapes and their number of faces, vertices, and edges. We used marshmallows and toothpicks to construct each 3 D shape. We then completed our organizer naming the number of faces, vertices, and edges.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Halloween Candy Experiment

On Monday we conducted experiments using some of our Halloween candy. We discussed density and buoyancy. We then tested each candy to see which ones would float and which would sink. We discovered that 3 Musketeers and Whoopers float.

Geometric Shapes

Today we learned about 3 D shapes. We discussed what vertices, edges and faces are. We watched a video on 3 D shapes. We also made a chart in our math notebook to help us remember the different shapes and the number of faces, edges and vertices each has.

Mixture or Solution

Today we conducted an experiment with Kool Aid to see if we had a mixture or a solution. We watched a quick video on mixtures and solutions. We then had a treat of Kool aid.