Wednesday, August 22, 2012

CNN Kid News

Watch one news clip  on CNN kid news.  Write down a paragraph about the clip.  Post it to our blog.


  1. Have you ever heard of west nile virus?
    Most people don’t get sick from west nile virus. Here’s a way to avoid getting it were long pants and shirt.LC

  2. 300 earth quakes happened in California in one day! I hope my aunt is okay. She lives in California.CH

  3. 300 earthquakes hit California all in 1 day. What a record! I hope my cousin is ok. I think he was prepared and safe. CN.

  4. Yesterday was the first full day of the Republican Convention. 200 republicans are expected to be in Tampa this weekend. Just an update on what Isaac is doing. Isaac is currently affecting the U.S Gulf Coast. Just think about all that damage that is doing. CN

  5. The hurricane Katrina is said to be the biggest hurricane in the American history. It was also very disruptive, and expensive. It hit mostly Louisiana. And lots of people died or lost their homes. I hope they’re okay. CH

  6. Isaac left peoples neighbor hoods flooded also left 300 people without power. People and news reporters say when they stand out in the rain it stings their skin. CN

  7. In Germany they found a bomb from World War 2 they tried to stop it from blowing up but they couldn’t. Turns out that there are more bombs spread across Germany. CN

  8. Have you ever seen a bomb form word war 2?
    A bomb was just now set off in the northern side of Germany .The bomb was from word war 2 it broke windows and burned down the top of house. A women helped 3 people with only 40 dollars and the lady that she helped had so much help she got a sewing machine . by :kw

  9. In Afghanistan the war still isn’t over. 2 Americans were killed when 15 soldiers rated a military base. In Japan the 16th hurricane just passed through, and just yesterday passed through South Korea.BY:CN

  10. Have you heard about the high school that billet a gigantic hamster wheel? Well it is really cool. The person who did it thought that he would get in trouble but he did not. The boy did not get in trouble because they all tough it was a great idea.

  11. Have you heard about the election from CNN kid news? The candidates are everywhere from they are trying to get your vote. They want to get you to like their ideas so you will vote for them bb

  12. The storm called Sandy did a lot of damage. Lots of people went without power. In New York, people will have to find other options for housing. I hope our next president can help the people get everything back to the way it was soon enough.

  13. You can choose from two presidents one brock Obama or two Romney. Brock Obama has been our president for four years. Romney has never been in the white house before

  14. The presidential candidates are fighting really hard to be the next president of the United States. They focused on different parts of a report that came out last Friday. Obama said the economy is getting better since 171,000 jobs were added. Romney said that the economy is getting worse since the unemployment rate slightly went up to 7.9%. there is only 1 day left to the election and the candidates are fighting hard to be the next president. JS

  15. The candidates are fighting hard to win over your vote for them but president Obama got the most votes. They all did their speeches on how hard they tried on getting the most votes. I think they all tried their best and worked hard to try and be president and there all winners. BB

  16. Obama is re-elected and will be staying in the White House. He will be our president for another four-year term. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a president for four terms. I hope that president Obama will serve our country great!
