Friday, August 24, 2012

Latitude and Longitude

This week we have been discussing latitude and longitude. We uses oranges to represent the Earth. We drew lines of longitude and latitude on our oranges. We also discussed where the Prime Meridian and the Equator are located. We had a lot of fun!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

CNN Kid News

Watch one news clip  on CNN kid news.  Write down a paragraph about the clip.  Post it to our blog.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Scientific Method

This week we talked about the scientific method. We conducted an experiment with gummy life savers and water. We put a gummy life saver in water. We made a hypothesis about what would happen. We waited overnight to see the results. We also drew conclusions.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Save Fred

Today we completed a cooperative learning activity called Save Fred. Students were give one gummy life saver,one gummy worm, two paper clips and one plastic cup. Students then had to get the life saver on Fred using only the paper clips. They could not touch Fred with their fingers. If Fred drops to the ground more than once he will drown in the ocean. We had to work together to save Fred.

Fun With Measurement

Today we worked on measuring. We cut string to different lengths and then found things in the room that matched the lengths. We then calculated how much more string we would need to reach one meter.