Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Scoop on Sugar

We recently read an article called The Scoop on Sugar from Time For Kids.  The article talked about how much sugar is in products.  The article also discussed whether the government should ban the sale of sugary drinks to kids?  We wrote our opinion on the article.  


  1. Kids are eating too much sugar. Foods have a lot more sugar then you think. Sugar causes health problems. Kids eat 20 spoonfuls of sugar every day. Kids are eating so much sugar that there taste buds are used to the sweet taste. Kids are eating too much sugar. ET

  2. No sugar for you. I think that the kids should have less sugary foods and the government should give us free agency. Kids should limit there sugar on there own. Some people want to ban sugary drinks at schools. Kids get 16% of calories from sugar. Kids get 37.5% of sugar from places but home and 62.5% of sugar from home. Remember we should have a choice to choose healthy.
    BY: T.B.H

  3. Kids should eat less sugar and make their own opinion. It’s not fair and it not nice to tell us what to eat. It not nice to take away sugar from kids and they get sad or mad. Let kids eat what they want to eat. AH

  4. I think that kids need to stop loading up on sugar and try healthier foods. Kids need to stop eating so much sugar because it can be bad for them. Sugar can make you sick. It can also higher the risk for health problems. Too much sugar may also give you cavities. Kids should try to stop eating so much sugar. BK

  5. Sugar

    I think that we should be able to choose how much sugar we have in our diet. We should be able to because some peopleneed more sugar than others. We should make our own healthy choices. 16% our calories come from the sugar we eat. We should not eat sugary processed foods. So I think we should be able to choose how much sugar we eat in our diet.
    By: BW

  6. Sugar

    My opinion is that kids should eat less sugar but by there own. We are eating a lot of sugar sometimes. Why would the government care about how much sugar we have? Some people pay extra taxes just to get sweets with sugar in it. The government cares because eating to much sugar is not very healthy for you. My opinion is that kids can make the chose of eating too much sugar. JI

  7. Too Much Sugar
    I think the government should help cut down on sugar that we eat. The best reason is because it is safer for kids like me. Another reason is because kids and adults can get sick easily sometimes. They should tell stores to stop selling foods with lots of sugar in them. The government should do something to help the kids eat less sugar. Here is why the government has the right to tell us how much sugar we should eat. PR

  8. Sugar
    Kids should eat lease sweets and sugar by your own choice. You should help people cut down on the amount of sugar. Scientist suggests banning the sale of sugar that should be by our own choice. Did you now that kids get about 16% of their calories from sugar. Sugar and sweets can cause cavities and fillings to. Kids should eat healthier so they don’t get sick.


  9. Sugar Time

    The government is trying to decide if they should limit kids sugar or should kids limit there own sugar. In my opinion I think kids should limit there sugar not the government. Because we will have as much energy as we want and we are responsible enough. Some people are thinking about banning the sale of sugary products from schools. They also think that the government should charge extra taxes for heavily sweetened foods. So in my opinion kids should limit there sugar not the government? JS

  10. Sugar Products
    Do you think it would be wrong for the government to choose how much sugar you eat. I don’t think they should. I say kids should eat as much sugar as they want but they don’t go over board. I also say no because the government might take sugary foods from schools. I also don’t want them to chose how much sugar you eat because there could be one thing you really want to eat but you can’t. I really hope the government doesn’t choose how much sugar we eat because I love sugar. BB

  11. No sugar for you. I think that the kids should have less sugary foods and the government should give us free agency. Kids should limit there sugar on there own. Some people want to ban sugary drinks at schools. Kids get 16% of calories from sugar. Kids get 37.5% of sugar from places but home and 62.5% of sugar from home. Remember we should have a choice to choose healthy TP

  12. Sugar
    My opinion is to decide to eat something by yourself and the government says not to tell us what to eat. The government says not to eat sugar because it’s not fair to tell you. People can make the decision to eat something by yourself. For example, a pop tart has 4 and half of sugar that can eat in the morning. I won’t eat every day but some day. I think we can make my own choices.


  13. Kids eat way to much sugar but the government should stay out of it. There is a lot of sugar in sports drinks but that doesn’t mean the government has the right to ban it! The government should stay out of our personal lives. We choose the foods we want to choose and if that makes us fat so be it. It’s out choice. People use sports drinks to stay active and it satisfies our craving for sugar in one energy drink that makes you burn calories. The government should help us get off sugar but not ban it from all of mankind. We do need to get off sugar but that doesn’t mean the government can go “You can’t eat sugar,” It’s out bodies, it’s out choice. CC

  14. Sugar
    No the government shouldn’t help people cut down on the Sugar they eat. You can get sick from all that sugar. But you should still get to choose the food and drinks you eat. Scientist suggests banning a sale of sugary drinks to kids. The tax might go up on really sugary foods. No the government shouldn’t help people cut down on the Sugar they eat.


  15. We need to sop eating so much sugar. Also The government should not be able to tell us what to do. The government is made to tell us what to eat. We should be able to eat what ever we want but not to much sugar. Besides some people need more sugar then others. The government should only be able to tell us there option. So don’t you agree with me that the government should not be able to tell us what to do and we also need to stop eating so much sugar? JC

  16. The government may start choosing our food for us! I think that’s crazy! People should eat healthy, but it should be by there own choice! Would you like having to eat what ever the government sent you? We should choose our own food, though many people do need a little influence from the healthy side. Did you know some scientist suggested banning sale of sugary snacks? They also suggested taxing extra for sugary foods! Don’t you agree? People should eat healthy, but it should be by there own choice. This is America, right? A free country? Well, if the government chooses that for us, is it really a free country at all?

  17. Sweet on Sugar
    Kids and parents need to be cutting down on sugar. So people say that the government should be in charge of how much we should have. I disagree we should have rights! We should be trusted! Anyway some kid’s don‘t eat a lot of sugar. To help us people think that we should ban sugary sales. Others say to remove sugary products at school. I really think you should be able to choose on your own but you decide government or yourself.

    By: Alex

  18. Sugar
    We should be able to make our own choices the government should not be able to tell us how much sugar we need to eat. Sugar is not healthy but we should make choices for our self. The government should not be able to take over like that it is our body and we can make our own healthy choices. Scientists are suggesting banning the sale of sugary drinks they want to remove sugar products from schools too. The government is right about healthy choices but we should make them on our own.

    By: Emily Roider

  19. I think we do eat a lout of sugar but I still think we should choose our foods. Kids just know what has sugar and what doesn’t. Adults should check the package. Ketchup has 1teaspoon of sugar per serving. Nutri grain cereal bars have 2 1/2 teaspoons of sugar per serving. I think we should choose our foods how about you? ES

  20. Sugar
    We kids eat too much sugar but that does not mean that the government can take control of what we eat. How is the government supposed to know what we are all eating anyway? Kids should be responsible for what they eat. Also our parents our in charge of our diet not the government. Plus we get 16% of our calories from sugar so we need a little sugar. Maybe we do eat too much sugar but that does not mean the government should be in control of what you eat.
