Saturday, April 02, 2011

News of the Day

We have begun watching CNN kids in the classroom to become more aware of world events. Students have commented on what they felt was important news.


  1. This week in math our class has been learning about Area and 3 digit subtraction. We learned that in 3 digit subtraction if you can’t subtract the two numbers you have to borrow. We also learned how to check our answer in 3 digit subtraction.
    We have also been learning about area in math. We learned how to find the area of in regular shapes and regular shapes. We learned to cross out the numbers you don’t need and multiply the numbers you do need. That’s what’s going in math in our class.JS

  2. Hurry, Hurry get to cover quickly there is a huge earthquake and we need to protect ourselves. There was a huge earthquake in Indonesia and it was followed by a tsunami. It killed more than 200,000 people. It was so big it was an 8.6 earthquake and that is huge. This is what I learned on CNN news today. PR

  3. Rumble splash, there was an earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. In 2004 there was another big tsunami. The people in Indonesia Sumatra needed to get on a higher ground. I think it would be scary to live there. ET

  4. Today on CNN student news I watched Indonesia Earthquake. In 2004 there was an earthquake off of Indonesia coast. It killed more than 200,000 people. But yesterday there was an earthquake this one hit the same place with a magnitude of 8.6. That’s what I watched on CNN student news today.JS

  5. Today I watched The CNN News about the earthquake in Indonesia. They got killed about 200,000 people in Indonesia. Indonesia has a earthquake and some people did not got killed. People in Indonesia running aways from the earthquake. TL

  6. CNN News

    Ahhhhhhhhh! There’s an earthquake coming. There was an earthquake that pulled a ship into the water with no one in it last year and they though it was lost. U.S coastguards sunk the ship because it was coming close to the fishing area and the ship took more then four hours to sink. My opinion is that it was bad they sunk the ship because maybe Japan want there ship back.JI

  7. Crisis of Syria
    Different groups from around the world have been push for end of violent. The sound of artily is a daily event. No fighting for a few moments. These are some events from CNN student news. TP

  8. CNN news
    What is going on! The Midwest is having a big snowstorm at the end of April. Storms are still going on in Pennsylvania. The craziest thing is trees are supposed to collapse. This is what I learned on CNN news.
